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Call for energy study to support Baltic countries

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(May 18, 1990) We received the following proposal from Jouni Koivisto of Finland:

(332.3319) WISE Amsterdam - The rightful efforts of the Baltic Countries to achieve independence have led the Soviet Union to put Lithuania under an energy boycott, which perhaps will expand to include also Estonia and Latvia in the near future. I think environmentalists could support the Baltic Nations by having a study made on how to relieve the Baltic energy crisis by means of the energy conservation and renewable sources of energy.

Having this kind of a study made would be an expression of inter­national solidarity towards the Baltic Nations. It could also give valuable information on how to solve the energy problems in other East European countries.

Ideas presented by well known energy researchers Aniory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins in their book "Brittle Power" could be applicable to the Baltic energy study. This work deals with the vulnerability of the energy systems and remedies for that. The Baltic energy study could possibly be ordered from Rocky Mountain institute, where also the Lovins' work.

The research could be financed by some international environmental organization (e.g. Friends of Earth orf Greenpeace) or some international environmental organizations together. The funds could also be raised with an international collection for the Baltic Countries.

For people interested in participating in or supporting such a study, please contact: Jouni Koivisto, Hämeenkatu 20 E 90, 20 500 Turku, Finland, tel: 921 331 935.