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International contact list

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Special: Uranium Special Edition

(December 6, 1991) Note: this list is far from comprehensive. WISE contacts are listed here.

( WISE Amsterdam -


  • Environmental Defence Foundation (FUNAM), Raul Montenegro, Casilla de Correo 83, Correo Central, 500 Cordoba. Tel. 54-51-226252.


  • Anti-Uranium Collective, Dave Sweeney, FoE (Fitzroy), 222 Brunswick St., Fitzroy, Victoria 3065. Tel. 61-3-419-8700. Roxby Downs. Also Ranger, Jabiluka, Koongarra, and Rudall River.
  • Australian Nuclear Free Zones Secretariat, Melbourne Office, Town Hall, Melbourne, Victoria 300. Tel. 61-3-658-9800. Secretariat of delegates from all NFZ local councils.
  • Conservation Council of South Australia Inc., Marcus Beresford, 102 Wakefield St., Adelaide, SA 500. Tel. 61-8-223-5155. Roxby Downs.
  • Friends of the Earth (Sydney), 4th Floor, 56 Foster Street, Surry Hills 2010, N.S.W. Tel. 61-2-281-4070.
  • Greenpeace Australia, Jean McSorley, Studio 14, 37 Nicholson St., E. Balmain, N.S.W. 2041. Tel. 61-2- 555-7044.
  • Greenpeace Australia, Maggie Hine, Nuclear Issues Campaigner, 3/130 Carrington Street, Adelaide, S.A. Tel. 61-8-223-3133. Fax: 61-8-232-0174.
  • Kokotha Peoples' Committee, Box 2085, Port Augusta, S.A. 5700. The Kokotha are the traditional owners of the area in which Roxby Downs is located, along with Nurrungar (U.S. defence facility), Woomera (missil testing range), and Maralinga (nuclear weapons testing site).
  • Movement Against Uranium Mining, Box K133 Haymarket, N.S.W. 2000. Tel. 61-2-212-4538.
  • Northern Lands Council, Box 39843, Winnellaie, N.T. 0321, Australia. Um-brella council for aboriginal groups in the Northern Territory where Ranger and other deposits are found.
  • North Queensland Conservation Council, Andrea Porter, Box 364, Townsville, Q 4810. Tel. 61-77-716 226. Kakadu and Ben Lomond.
  • Northern Territory Environmental Center, Sue Jackson, Box 2120, Darwin, N.T. 0801. Tel. 61-89- 811-984. Ranger and potential mines in the Northern Territory, eg. Jabiluka and Koongarra.
  • Western Desert Puntukurnuparna (Land Council), Box 2358, S. Hedland, WA 6722. Tel. 61-91-723 299.


  • Ecoglasnost, 39 Dondukov St., BG-1000 Sofia. Tel. 359-2-802 323.


  • Greenpeace Canada, Wayne Roberts, Nuclear Issues Coordinator, 121 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5R 3G3. Tel. 1-416-922-3011.
  • Northern Anti-Uranium Coalition (NAUC), j Jack Hicks, Box 1197, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. L0S 1J0.
  • Northern Anti-Uranium Coalition, j Keewatin Inuit Assoc., Rankin Inlet, Northwest Territories X0C 0G0. Tel. 819-645-2800 or 645-3805.
  • South Pacific Peoples' Foundation of Canada, 415 - 620 View St., Victoria, B.C. V8W 1J6. Tel. 604-381-4131.


  • Big River Citizen's for Energy Alternatives, Carla Braidek, Box 516, Big River, Saskatchewan S0J 0E0. Tel. 1-306-469-4466.
  • Community Health Services (Saska-toon) Assoc., 455 Second Ave. North, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 2C1. Tel. 1-306-652-0300.
  • Inter-Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative, Box 7724, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 4R4. Tel. 1- 306-934-3030.
  • Pokebusters Citizen's Coalition, Box 7724, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 4R4. Tel. 1-306-242-3138.
  • Prince Albert Citizens for Energy Alternatives, Steve Lawrence, 3463 12th Ave East, Prince Albert, Sask. S6V 7G6. Tel. 1-306-922-1062.
  • Saskatchewan Environmental Society and Saskatchewan Students for Environmental Action, Box 1372, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 3N9. Tel. 1- 306-665-1915. Fax: 1-306-665-2128.
  • Survival Office Saskatchewan (S.O.S.), Stephanie, Sydiaha, Box 9395, Sas-katoon, Sask. S7K 7E9. Tel. 1-306- 244-3138. Fax: j 1-306-652-8377.
  • The International Uranium Congress, 2138 McIntyre St., Regina, Sask. S4P 2R7. Tel. 1-306-352-3195.
  • The Northern Village of Green Lake, Rod Bishop, Mayor, Box 128, Green Lake, Sask. S0M 1B0. Tel. 1-306- 832-2131. Fax: 1-306-832-2124.
  • Regina Environmental Group, 2222 Princess St., Regina, Sask. S4T 3Z8. Tel. 1-306-757-4344.
  • The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas, Archbishop Peter Sutton, O.M.I., Box 270, 108-1st St. West, Le Pas, Manitoba R9A 1K4. Tel. 204-623-6152.


  • Comite Chileno por el Desarme y la Desnuclearization, Casilla 16774, Correo 9, Santiago.


  • Ecowatt, c/o Brontosaurus, Bubénska 6, CS-17000 Praha 7. Tel. 42-2-802 908. Fax: 42-2-802 906.
  • ROSA, Karla IV.3, CS-37001 Ceské Budejovice. Tel. 42-38-36870.


  • Action Environment - Info Uranium, 7 rue de l'Auvergne, F-12000 Rodez. Tel. 33-65-422 007.


  • Akafrik (Working Group on Africa), Thomas Siepelmeyer, Albensloher Weg 27, W-4400 Münster. Tel. 49- 251-661 116.
  • Bürgerinitiative gegen Uranabbau in Südschwarzwald (Citizen Committee Against Uranium Mining in the Southern Black Forest), Peter Diehl, Schulstr. 13, W-7881 Herrischried. Tel. and Fax: 49-7764-1034.
  • Bürgerinitiative Oberrothenbach, Gerd Meyer, Gemeindeverwaltung, Alten-burger Str. 5, O-9501 Oberrothen-bach. Tel. 37-7494-2202.
  • Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e. V. (Society for Endangered People), Günter Wippel, Oberau 63, W-7800 Freiburg. Tel. 49-761-31193.
  • World Uranium Hearing, Praterinsel 3-4, W-8000 Munich 22. Tel. 49-89- 228 5924. Fax: 49-89-228 5340.
  • Öko-Institut (Ecology Institute), Gerd Schmidt, Bunsenstr. 14, W-6100 Darmstadt. Tel. 49-6151-819 117.


  • Anumukti, Sampoorna Kranti Vidyalaya, Vedchhi Via Valod, District: Surat 394641.


  • Pacific Concerns Resources Centre, Box 3148, Auckland CPO, AOTEAROA. Tel. 64-9-375-862.


  • Amigos da Terra (FoE), Travessa da Laranjeira 1-A, P-1200 Lisbon. Tel. 351-1-347 0788. Fax: 351-1-347 3586.


  • Miscarea Ecologista Din Romania, Str. Olga Bancic No. 11, RO-Bukeresti 2. Tel. 40-0-112 943. Fax: 40-0-104 858.


  • Minewatch/PARTIZANS, 218 Liver-pool Road, London N1 1LE. Tel. 44-71-609-1852. Fax: 44-71-700-6189.
  • Survival International (SI), Stephen Corry, 310 Edgware Road, London W2 1DY. Tel. 44-71-723-5535.
  • Tibet Information Network, Robbie Barnett, 7 Beck Road, London E8 4RN. Tel. 44-81-533-5458.


  • Atoms and Waste, 2311-15 St. NW, #101, Washington, D.C. 20009. Tel. 1-202-328-0498.
  • Center for Alternative Mining Development Policy, Al Gedicks, 210 Avon St. 9, La Crosse WI 54603. Tel. 1-608-784-4399.
  • Lutheran Peace Fellowship, 4329 Tokay Boulevard, Madison WI, 53711 U.S.A. Tel. 1-608-238-8223.
  • Nuclear Resource Service (NIRS), 1424-16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. U.S.A. Tel. 202-328-0002.
  • Radioactive Waste Management Assoc., Marvin Resnikoff, 306 West 38 St., Room 1508, New York, NY 10018, U.S.A. Tel. 1-212-629-5612.
  • Southwest Research and Information Center, Paul Robinson, Box 4524, Albuquerque NM 87106, U.S.A. Tel. 1-505-262-1862. Fax: 1-505-262-1864.
  • Texas Energy Alliance, Box 50371, Austin, Texas 78763, U.S.A. Tel. 1-512-327-7739.
  • The Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders, 304 East 45th St., 4th floor, New York NY 10017.
  • Western Colorado Congress, Box 472, Montrose, Colorado 81402, U.S.A. Tel. 1-303-249-1978.