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Nuclear Monitor #881 - 9 December 2019

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The 'advanced' nuclear power sector is dystopian: The 'advanced' nuclear sector isn't 'advanced'. It is dystopian because of its contribution to carbon emissions, troublesome nuclear waste legacies, and weapons proliferation.

The 'advanced' nuclear power sector isn't advancing ‒ thankfully: Many 'advanced' reactor projects are promoted ‒ there are lists of them, even lists of lists ‒ but meaningful funding, from governments and industry alike, is lacking.

'The most important clean-up in Australian mining history': Rio Tinto under scrutiny at Ranger: Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation discusses Energy Resources of Australia's Mine Closure Plan which outlines how it intends to rehabilitate the Ranger project, Australia's longest-running uranium mine.

Nuclear power dead and alive: S&P Global Ratings has published a glum assessment of the prospects for nuclear power, in 'developed' countries at least. "In developed markets, we see little economic rationale for new nuclear build. Renewables are significantly cheaper and offer quicker payback on scalable investments at a time when power demand is stagnating. New nuclear construction requires massive upfront investments in complex projects with long lead times and risk of major cost overruns."

Yeelirrie Solidarity Camp 2019: K-A Garlick writes about a recent solidarity camp in Western Australia to build support for an Aboriginal-led campaign to prevent Cameco proceeding with the Yeelirrie uranium mine.

What the World Nuclear Waste Report doesn't say about the UK: The first-ever World Nuclear Waste Report is a mighty achievement and hopefully future reports will build on the foundations. As a first-of-a-kind report, inevitably there are limitations and omissions. Pete Roche expands on the WNWR's section on the UK, noting that it doesn't quite give readers a view of the full horror of the mess the UK has got itself into.