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Nuclear Monitor #888 - 30 July 2020

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Our review of Michael Shellenberger's book Apocalypse Never has outgrown itself so we've split it into three parts:

Book review: Michael Shellenberger goes full Trump with reheated conspiracy theories: Shellenberger's book Apocalypse Never serves up 'luke-warmism' ‒ downplaying the risks associated with climate change and attacking environmentalists for climate 'alarmism'. But he has been misrepresenting and attacking climate science since 2010 if not earlier. His current luke-warmism is reheated, and there's certainly nothing new about his demonization of environmentalists.

Shellenberger's nuclear nonsense: economics, waste, radiation, disasters: Michael Shellenberger claims that his book Apocalypse Never is based on the 'best-available science'. But the book's many claims about nuclear issues are based on selective use of expert views, or attributed to anonymous 'experts' or even 'friends', or based on nothing at all.

Shellenberger's nuclear nonsense: The myth of the peaceful atom: Shellenberger thinks nuclear weapons "make us peaceful" and he promotes nuclear weapons proliferation. Having previously written at length about the many interconnections between nuclear power and weapons programs ‒ and having criticized the "nuclear community" for its "increasingly untenable position of having to deny these real world connections" ‒ Shellenberger himself now downplays and denies the connections.

No market for Australian uranium in India: M.V. Ramana and Cassandra Jeffery argue that Australian policymakers who advocated for exporting uranium to India were betting on the wrong energy source. Even the Indian government expects further divergence between the growing renewable energy sector and the stagnant nuclear sector. Nuclear power has never constituted more than a few per cent of India's electricity supply, and on current trends it will never amount to much more.