Climate change and Nuclear Power (November 2017)
Nuclear power is claimed to be nearly carbon-free and indispensable for mitigating climate change as a result of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Assuming that nuclear power really does not emit carbon dioxide CO2 nor other greenhouse gases (GHGs), how large is the present nuclear mitigation share and how large could it become in the future? In this new report (85 pages) Professor Storm van Leeuwen, commisisoned by WISE, makes an thorough analysis of nuclear greenhouse gas emissions.
5 Years Living With Fukushima (March 2016)
On March 11, 2016, Japan and the world will commemorate the beginning of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. More than 200,000 people were evacuated from Fukushima Prefecture to makeshift camps, where about one hundred thousand are still living today. But the effects of the disaster extend far beyond the borders of the prefecture. Written by Dr. med. Alex Rosen, Vice-Chair, IPPNW Germany and Dr. med. Angelika Claussen, IPPNW Vice President for Europe. A Report from IPPNW Germany and PSR USA.
L’option nucléaire contre le changement climatique (October 2015)
The fight against climate change is a race against time. Emissions worldwide should reach their peak by 2020 before declining drastically. Nuclear industry leaders and their political and media allies are suggesting that this technology is an appropriate and indispensible solution to fight climate change. But how realistic is this? Read all about it in this report from WISE Paris.
- download the full report (French)
- download the executive summary (French)
- download the factsheet (English)
RADIATING AFRICA - The Menace of Uranium Mining (November 2014)
Case Studies on Cameroon, Mali and Tanzania.
More and more uranium – the fuel for nuclear power plants – comes from Africa. In Europe, uranium mining is made very difficult, mainly due to legislation. Also countries as Canada and Australia face an increasing pressure to comply with stricter environmental and social standards.
Uranium Mining and (In)transparency: URENCO's role in the nuclear fuel chain (May 2014)
The URENCO group (Uranium Enrichment Company) enriches uranium for around 50 utilities in at least 18 countries. This means it fuels around 170 nuclear power stations worldwide. This report, published in May 2014, gives important background information on uranium mining and enrichment, the policy framework of the European Union, activities of URENCO, their transparency and corporate social responsibility, contract information, proliferation treaties and safeguards.
Nuclear security - in cauda venenum (May 2014)
In this report WISE adresses three inextricable aspects of nuclear security; 1) Nuclear security and malicious actions: Origin and availability of fissile materials and of highly radioactive materials. Potential terroristic actions with nuclear explosives, 2) Security and civil nuclear power: Models, physical laws and empirical evidence. Mechanism of Chernobyl-scale disasters. Non-nuclear terroristic attacks causing severe damage and 3) Nuclear securitiy and economics: Energy on credit, flexible standards, entanglement of interests. Putting responsibilities off and thus heading for future disasters: in cauda venenum.
A Paradise Lost: Tribes of Jharkhand Fight against Uranium Mines (september 2013)
A Report on the Impacts of New Uranium Mines in Jharkhand. In the North-East of India uraniummining started already in the 60'ies of the last century. The damage to the environment and health of local citizens is significant. People have no say and no possibilities to influence decisions that (potentially) harm them so much. WISE supports organisations in the region who stand by the local people in their seek for justice. In september 2013 we gave money to have this brochure on uranium translated and printed in Hindi.
Nuclear Banks? No thanks! (May 2010)
Nuclear power is not only dirty and dangerous, it is also very expensive. The utilities depend on public and privatebanks for the billions that are needed to build a nuclear power station. This report describes the risks and gives an overview of the banks that are involved in financing nuclear energy.
The Economics of Nuclear Reactors: Renaissance or Relapse? (June 2009)
Doubts about nuclear renaissance, even in nuclear industry. There are some uncomfortable feelings in the nuclear industry surfacing, regarding the pace and results sofar of the 'nuclear renaissance'. In the latest edition of the IAEA Bulletin (May 2009), Sharon Squassoni concludes: “A nuclear renaissance would require significant changes by both governments and multinational agencies as well as aggressive financial support.” A report by economist Dr. Mark Cooper.
Nuclear Power: The Critical Question (August 2009)
"The Critical Question" offers first hand reports from individuals who have been effected by the nuclear power industry. In this booklet, insiders report on their direct experiences of uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear disasters and on the storage of radioactive substances. The book was published first in German by WECF (Women iN Europe for a Common Future) and an English version by WECF in cooperation with WISE and other international partners.
Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment (2009)
The principal idea behind this volume is to present, in a brief and systematic form, the results from researchers who observed and documented the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe. Written by: Alexey v. Yablokov, Vassily b. Nesterenko, and Alexey v. Nesterenko.