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Superphenix campaign/Italy

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(April 6, 1990) A press conference on 2 February in Rome announced the beginning of a campaign in Italy against the fast breeder Superphenix (CreysMalville, France).

(330.3298) WISE Amsterdam - The campaign is being coordinated by a coalition made up of 18 ecological organizations among which are: World Wildlife Fund-Italy, Amici della Terra (Friends of the Earth Italy), Lega per Ambiente, pacifists Unions and political parties (Democrazia Proletaria, the green "Verde" and "Verde acrobaleno" parties, the Radical and Communist Youth Party).

The goal of the coalition is for Italy to withdraw its investments in the Superphenix project to conform to the requirements of the Italian anti-nuclear referenda which prohibit participation in nuclear projects in foreign countries and participation by the Italian industry in the Superphenix project. (In November 1988, 72.2% of Italian voters voted for repeal of the then-existing law allowing the state energy utility, ENEL, to participate in international nuclear ventures. As a result of this referendum, ENEL, which had a 33% share in the Superphenix, was supposed to withdraw its capital from the venture. See also, WISE News Communique 283.2854.)

Source: CECSR. Case Postale 107, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland.

Contact: Amici della Terra, Via del Sudario n.35, 00186 Rome, tel: +39-6-6875308 or 6568289.