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S.Pacific forum: Strong stand on nuclear and toxic pollution

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(September 24, 1993) The South Pacific Forum, which held its 24th session this year in Nauru, has called on the United Nations to establish a comprehensive international regime that will require countries responsible for nuclear damage to pay compensation.

(398.3880) WISE Amsterdam - While the Forum communique welcomed moratoriums on nuclear testing by Russia, France and the US, it noted the absence of effective international rules for nuclear liability and strongly stressed the need for such rules which must follow the "Polluter Pays" principle. It has recommended the maximum possible attendance by Forum members at the upcoming conference to amend the Vienna Convention, which will be examining this issue. The Forum says members must fully participate in discussions currently taking place in a standing committee on nuclear liability of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The Forum also expressed grave concern over the dumping of Russian nuclear wastes in the North Pacific. It called for an immediate stop to this and for the possible retrieval of such wastes if it is feasible and safe.

The Vienna meeting expected in November will look at a complete ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea and the Forum has called for its dialogue partners to support a total ban.


  • Pacific News Bulletin (Australia), Aug. 1993, p.1
  • Foreign Bases Project (GreenNet, gn:nuc. facilities, topic: PACNEWS: Pacific Forum on Nukes, 25 Aug. 1993

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