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Final report of the international MOX assessment

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

(December 19, 1997) The "Comprehensive Social Impact Assessment of MOX Use in Light Water Reactors" was published late November 1997 by the Tokyo-based Citizens' Nuclear Information Centre. It is the final report of the IMA, the International MOX Assessment, a 2 year co-operation between nine researchers from Japan and Europe.

(483/4.4796) WISE-Amsterdam -It was a long wait, but worth it. The 350 page report is comprehensive and detailed (especially chapter 2 on security aspects and 4 on Economics of MOX use), however sometimes rather superficial (i.e chapter 6: Societal and Legal Implications of MOX Use). In general it is a very useful reference and necessary reading for those already working on the issue, who can best understand the technical language and appreciate the detailed information.

The report was written as a challenge to the nuclear industry and the (Japanese) authorities to change their policy: "We invite the Japanese Government, utilities and industry to analyze the present report and submit their comments to the director of the project. (...) We also invite the government, utilities and industry of any country, which is engaged in, has plans for or has a concern over using MOX in light water reactors, to analyze the present report and review its nuclear policy on the basis of the present findings" (page 259). Which countries are meant and the current policy on MOX-use, however cannot be easily found in the report. This is certainly a debatable choice the IMA Project made: to focus entirely and solely on Japan. But our conclusion is that the report is a very good reference work for fighting MOX! Read it!

The IMA was formed by nine researchers: Frank Barnaby (independant science consultant), Ichiro Hokimoto (Kokugakuin University), Komei Hosokawa (Saga University), Chihiro Kamisawa (CNIC), Baku Nishio (CNIC), Michael Sailer (Oeko-Institute), Mycle Schneider (WISE-Paris) and Jinzaburo Tagaki (CNIC).

Contact: The secretariat of the International MOX Assessment is at the Citizens' Nuclear Information Centre: Kotobuki Bldg., 3F, 1-58- 15, Higashi-nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5330 9520; Fax: +81-3-5330 9530