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#686 - April 2, 2009

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
Full issue

ISSN: 1570-4629

Reproduction of this material is encouraged. Please give credit when reprinting.

Editorial team: Dirk Bannink and Peer de Rijk.
With contributions from: WISE Amsterdam, Australian Conservation Foundation, Bellona, Beyond Nuclear Initiative, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Inter Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative, Sortir du Nucleaire and Laka Foundation

The “Elfi Gmachl Foundation for a Nuclear-free Future” / PLAGE-Salzburg supports the Nuclear Monitor financially.

Next issue of the Nuclear Monitor (#687) will be mailed out on 23 April, 2009

In the last issue of the Nuclear Monitor (#685: March 19), there were some mistakes:

  • In the article 'The Curse of Three Mile Island', we said: "Currently one new plant costs between US$6 million and US$9 million" (p.4, third column). That, of course, has to be billion and not million.
  • Further, we published the same article twice, although with a different headline. A corrected version was send again electronically a day later. Subscribers of the paper edition receive the article: 'Areva's MOX transport: A traveling security threat' enclosed in this issue.

Our apologies!