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Summer school nuclear energy and climate

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 

Zeeland, the Netherlands, August 2-7, 2009

This summer WISE organizes a Summer School for people with an above average interest in the public debate on climate change, nuclear power and future energy supply. During one week, the participants will be educated on climate change and nuclear energy. You will talk and think actively about the problems and solutions. There will be input from reputable and interesting speakers.

One hundred young people from all over Europe (including fifty from the Netherlands): students, activists, young people of environmental and development organizations, and others who are interested in the subject matter. Anti-nuclear activists, campaigners and resource persons.

Because climate change calls for action NOW. Because more and more people say that nuclear energy is a part of the solution. Because in December the Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, have to lead to a new treaty. And because with thirty of the participants we will go to Copenhagen to be close to the negotiations to create new ideas and influence them.

From Sunday evening (arrival) August 2nd until Friday August 7th 2009.

In the out-door centre in Veere, Zeeland (the Netherlands). That way we have one day to go to the climate action camp (near Belgium), and a day to visit the nuclear reactor in Borssele.

What are the costs?
200 euros per person. But you’ll get an interesting program, accommodation and meals. Students will receive a discount. And there is travel re-imbursement up to 70% of your travel costs (unless you fly…) Is the money a huge problem; contacts us to discuss possibilities.


What to do?
Sign up! Call +31 (0) 20-6126368, mail, or look for more information on