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#746, 747, 748 - May 2012 Waste special

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
#746, 747, 748
Waste special
Full issue

This special issue of the Nuclear Monitor, called  'Management of spent fuel and radioactive waste' is written by Herman Damveld and Dirk Bannink.

Herman Damveld is since 1976 an independent researcher and publicist on energy and has written hundreds of articles and a number of books about nuclear energy and the storage of nuclear waste.  

Dirk Bannink is editor of the Nuclear Monitor since 1990. In 1979 founder of Laka Foundation, documentation and research center on nuclear energy. Published numerous articles and reports on nuclear energy and the anti-nuclear movement.  

Editor: Dirk Bannink
With contributions of Henk van der Keur, Peer de Rijk, Peter Becker, Robin Grashuis and Laka Foundation

Next issue (Nuclear Monitor 749) will be mailed out on May 11, 2012
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