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Nuclear Monitor #812 - 15 October 2015

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
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To read this issue of the Nuclear Monitor, use the article links below, or to download the full issue as a PDF use the link above.

In this issue of the Monitor:

  • A call-out for coordinated international campaigning to mark next year's fifth anniversary of Fukushima and 30th anniversary of Chernobyl.
  • A request to support anti-nuclear activists in Ukraine being targeted by state utility Energoatom.
  • We update the ongoing problems with EPR reactors in Europe.
  • We summarise an important new Greenpeace report on the growth and potential of renewable energy, and an upbeat International Energy Agency report about the medium-term growth of renewables.
  • Kumar Sundaram writes about the troubled Koodankulam reactor in India.
  • Michael Mariotte writes about the growing recognition of the mainstream U.S. media that nuclear power is an expensive dud and that renewables are a better option.
  • Dr Ian Fairlie writes about the connection between radioactive spikes from nuclear plants and childhood leukemia.
  • We summarize an alarming situation in Missouri, USA, where an underground fire has encroached to within a few hundred metres of a radioactive waste dump.