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Nuclear Monitor #840 - 21 March 2017

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In this issue of the Nuclear Monitor:

  • Gloria Kuang-Jung Hsu writes about nuclear power debates in Taiwan and whether the 2025 phase-out will be achieved.
  • We write about the collapse of yet another 'small modular reactor' project: mPower in the US.
  • We write about the plight of Fukushima evacuees and a court ruling holding both the Japanese government and TEPCO to account for failing to prevent the nuclear disaster.
  • We summarize critical responses to disingenuous Breakthrough Institute propaganda regarding the economics of nuclear power.

The Nuclear News section has reports on a book about the polonium poisoning of Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko; a scandal in Niger's uranium industry; funding to partially clean up abandoned uranium mines on Navajo land in the US; widespread opposition to the planned Salamanca uranium mine in Spain; radioactive waste scandals and fines in the US; and a scathing report from the French Nuclear Safety Authority about Areva's Creusot Forge foundry.