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Nuclear Monitor #844 - 25 May 2017

Nuclear Monitor Issue: 
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In this issue of the Monitor:

• We discuss the fluid situation with energy policy in France following the election of Emmanuel Macron as President and his appointment of an environmental campaigner as environment minister;

• Jan Haverkamp discusses the European Commission's first attempt at an overview of national nuclear waste programmes in EU countries;

• We look at South Korea's nuclear program in detail, debunking claims by nuclear lobbyists that South Korea provides a model that other nations should follow;

• We summarize the systemic forgery and bribery scandal that has rocked South Korea's nuclear industry since 2012 and has led to a sharp decline in public and political support;

• David Elliot summarizes key themes in his new book, 'Nuclear Power: Past, Present and Future'.

The Nuclear News section has reports on an upcoming cross-country protest against dangerous reactors in Belgium, and a referendum in Switzerland which approved a nuclear power phase-out.