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Nuclear Monitor #870 - 19 December 2018

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India's (im)modest nuclear quest in 2018: The measured 'normalization' of a nuclear state?: Kumar Sundaram, editor of, summarizes developments in India's nuclear power and weapons programs and their connections to super-power ambitions.

French President announces energy roadmap: Emmanuel Macron announced the government's revised energy roadmap on November 27. The plan calls for France to shut its remaining coal-fired power plants by 2022, shut 14 nuclear reactors by 2035, and increase investment in renewables.

New report concludes nuclear "will play no meaningful role" in climate change abatement: A new report written by Tim Judson, Executive Director of the Nuclear and Information and Resource Service, concludes that nuclear power is not a viable tool in the climate solutions toolbox.

Are thousands of new nuclear generators in Canada's future?Canada's government is about to embrace a new generation of small reactors, writes M.V. Ramana. For a number of reasons, not least economics, skepticism is very much warranted.

Fukushima Fallout: Updates from Japan

‒ Reactor restarts

‒ Japan's nuclear export industry facing extinction

‒ Japan must halt returns to Fukushima, says UN rights expert
‒ Compensation for Nuclear Damage Act

‒ Workers' accident compensation insurance payment

‒ Treatment and disposal of contaminated soil

‒ Contaminated water continues to accumulate at Fukushima

Nuclear News

‒ Taiwan's goal to become nuclear free remains unchanged: President Tsai

‒ Langer Heinrich 'dodged' N$219 million tax

‒ Belgium: call to close Tihange-1 reactor