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Nuclear Monitor #884 - 11 March 2020

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The plutonium economy: a terrible idea that refuses to die: The plutonium fuel cycle ‒ arguably the worst, most dangerous example of a terrible idea that refuses to die ‒ is the subject of an excellent new book, 'Plutonium: How nuclear power's dream fuel became a nightmare'. What needs to change to untangle and reverse the bureaucratic, commercial and military interests that have created the nightmare?

Swedish ban on uranium mining provokes threat of billion-dollar suit: Charly Hultén reports on the efforts of Australian mining company Aura Energy to secure compensation from the Swedish government arising from the uranium mining ban that came into effect in 2018. The damages claimed are based on both what the company says it has invested in prospecting since 2006, and the estimated loss of future revenue from the prospective mine as a consequence of the uranium ban.

Australian nuclear dump decision trashes indigenous peoples' rights: Jim Green and Sister Michele Madigan write about the Australian government's efforts to impose a national nuclear waste dump in South Australia despite the unanimous opposition of the Barngarla Traditional Owners.

ICONic failure to recognise nuclear security faults: Dr. David Lowry discusses the IAEA's International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICON), held in mid-February. He notes that the British government's promise to add £1.6m to the international nuclear security fund indicates warped priorities, with far greater sums being made available to nuclear reactor programs.